I released the second episode of my explanation video this week on how to create a financial plan. This first series is in German, but I hope to add English later this year.
First Episode: S1-E1 Finanzplan erstellen in Excel – Einleitung
In the first episode, I explain the general concept of financial modeling and planning and how we will use the Financial Plan template as a basis for further development.
Second Episode: S1-E2 Finanzplan erstellen in Excel – Umsatzplanung
In the second episode, I explained in detail how to make the financial template more dynamic. I adjusted the template to a simple startup plan for an E-Commerce business that sells office chairs online.
First, I show how to create a forecast based on monthly values, then how to integrate a more dynamic pricing structure and how to improve the inputs for user visibility.
Last, I highlight an alternative forecasting method: we use annual forecast values and allocate them monthly based on a percentage allocation. This logic could also be used to simulate seasonal changes in the year.